Meet Melanie

by Michael Caballero

BROOKLINE, MA — We thought it would be nice to introduce some of the newer house members who have joined our community over the past year or so. They are all great examples of how adults with disabilities can live rich, full, and independent lives while receiving support that meets their specific needs. Stay tuned for more new house member introductions!

Melanie moved into one of our Brookline homes in October of 2021. We recently stopped by her house to check in and see how she’s been doing since then.


Why were you considering moving into a SHI house?

Because I wanted to move out of my parents’ house.


What concerns did you have when making the decision to move into one of our houses?

I wondered what it’s going to be like and how the new people will be, especially the ones I didn’t know.


Oh – so you knew a few of the current house members?



I bet that was helpful knowing a few people. How did the move and transition go?

Pretty good. The people were nice and accepting. They were welcoming and willing to help me learn how to use the laundry.


How do you feel about your independence and living here now?

It feels great; I wasn’t sure how it would be, but it’s an awesome place.


Thanks – we think so, too. There’s a rumor going around that you like basketball. Is that true? [Melanie has basketball posters in her room]

Yes, I like it a lot. I like to play it because it’s fun and good exercise. I’ve been playing it with the Special Olympics for a long time, and I’ve been playing basketball at Brookline Recreation, too.

You also have a job, right?

Yes, I work at Walgreens, and I’ve been working there for a long time. I can’t remember how long, but I really like it.

Thanks for sharing about your experience, Melanie. I have a few more lightning round questions for you. What’s your favorite food?



What’s your favorite type of music?

I like all types of music.


Okay – favorite song then.

“Smooth,” by Santana.


Do you have a favorite basketball team?

Yes, I like the Celtics.


Do you know all the players and watch them every night they are on T.V.?

I know most of the players but don’t watch them every night.


Thanks again, Melanie! It was great checking in with you.