Getting to know John Goldsby
BROOKLINE, MA — Specialized Housing would not be what it is without our beloved staff. So we’re excited to introduce you to these awesome people in a new series of team member profiles. This month, we had a conversation with Brookline program manager John Goldsby to learn more about his time at SHI and what inspires him about being a member of this unique community.
Please tell us about your position with Specialized Housing and how long you have worked with SHI.
I have been a program manager with Specialized Housing, Inc. for six years in Brookline, MA.
How did you hear about Specialized Housing?
A good friend of mine and former job coach told me about SHI. She thought the quiet, low-key person-centered-model would be a good fit. Person-centered involves developing a program focused on what is most important to each individual in the program and his or her family.
Take us through a typical day in your house.
A typical day at the house starts with finding out what happened while I was away—then assessing if it has been handled or needs my input. Next, I make phone calls, clean up the kitchen, and see who is in the house. My day revolves around setting an example of what needs to be done. Additionally, I want to help people let go of what they can't change. I have learned those are the two essential components to keeping the residents safe and happy.
What is the most inspiring part of your work at SHI?
Teachable moments are the most inspiring part of my job. Those moments require me to listen acutely to everything said and unsaid. And, like proofing bread, I must pick the right time to speak. You cannot rush the process. I know when I get it right because the person’s behavior changes.
How has being part of this community impacted you?
It has forced me to accept my fragility. Every ache, illness, or personal issue affects my ability to work. I know I won't be able to do direct care forever. The only question is, what other marketable skills do I possess outside my position?
We learned that you are currently enrolled in graduate school. Could you tell us a bit about your degree program?
I am enrolled in the McCormack School of Policy and Global Studies at UMass Boston. I am pursuing a Master of Science in Gerontology. Gerontology is the study of aging. I am scheduled to graduate in the spring of 2023 with honors.
And lastly, we’d love to learn more about your interests. Could you share something about a non-work hobby or passion?
I have been practicing Vipassana meditation for seven years. It requires daily practice. The goal of a consistent approach is to ground oneself in the impermanence of life and the acceptance of change. After each session, a person should feel more connected to every form of life on the planet and the universe. Human beings are seen as no higher or lower than any other form of life.