Specialized Housing Community Update


It has been 37 years since we opened our first home, and we've experienced many good times and challenges over the years. Like most of you, our community has never experienced a crisis like the one we are living. Staying connected and having a community seems more important now than ever. Thank you to all of the community professionals, families, and staff that are supporting our community while we do our best to stay safe and help each other.

Here are some community highlights from this time of sheltering in place:

Enjoying each other's company during quarantine dinner time.

Enjoying each other's company during quarantine dinner time.

Cambridge community members participate in the Special Olympics Virtual Games.

Cambridge community members participate in the Special Olympics Virtual Games.

Futuristic condo meeting.

Futuristic condo meeting.

Newton Parks & Recreation Virtual Prom.

Newton Parks & Recreation Virtual Prom.

Gardening in Maine.

Gardening in Maine.

Supporting our healthcare community!

Supporting our healthcare community!