Remembering Our Friend: Margery (Margie) Richardson


by Michael Caballero

BROOKLINE, MA — It was in January of 2023 that we received the news of our friend and longtime community member Margie's cancer diagnosis. Hearing that someone you care about has cancer is always heartbreaking. When it was Margie, it felt like a punch in the gut for those of us who knew her well. The news felt surreal and unfair for many reasons. However, Margie's journey over the past year showed us her unwavering spirit. No matter the challenges or obstacles, she remained true to herself, living her life with energy and kindness.

Margie was a cherished member of our SHI community for over 26 years. It's difficult to pick just a few memories because there are so many. But perhaps the best way to remember her is by reflecting on the wonderful person she was.

Margie was a true friend to everyone she met. Katie Fortier, a long-time staff member, fondly recalls Margie's vibrant personality. "She had the biggest personality for someone her size," Katie said, smiling. "Margie was like sunshine, always happy, and she cared deeply about her housemates and staff. She was always the first to greet you at the door and ask about your day. Even when she was feeling unwell, you would never know because she stayed upbeat and focused on others. I picture her with her hands in her pockets, smiling at me." Katie laughed, reminiscing about how Margie would often be found by the mirror in the laundry area, making sure her hair looked just right. "If I couldn’t find her, I knew to check by the mirror. I'd call her name, and she'd pop her head around the corner with a grin."

Those who knew Margie appreciated her genuine attention and warmth. Whether she was listening intently or sharing stories about her day, her focus was always on the person she was with. She had a knack for making everyone feel special.

Margie was not only a wonderful friend but also a dedicated employee. She worked at Boston College for 43 years, always arriving on time and working diligently without complaint. If you were at BC between 1981 and 2024, you likely crossed paths with her. She loved her job, especially meeting people and keeping the dining halls clean for students. She cherished having meals with her boss, George, and was a creature of habit, often enjoying a salad with chicken or a chicken salad sandwich. A few months ago, Margie celebrated her retirement from Boston College with a big party, surrounded by friends and colleagues. They, too, will miss her big heart, smile, and helping hand.

Margie at her retirement party with her colleagues at Boston College early this year

Margie lived life to the fullest, embracing every moment. She loved to travel, exploring places like Japan, Australia, Ireland, and Africa with her mother. There are stories of her riding a camel and fearlessly driving around town in her younger years. She even loved to share the story of getting lost and ending up in New Hampshire, laughing at the memory.

Art was another passion for Margie, making Gateway Arts a perfect fit for her in retirement. She enjoyed drawing, making jewelry, and working with clay. Those who lived or worked with her were treated to her lovely singing voice, often finding her singing her favorite song, "Yellow Submarine." Swimming was another lifelong passion, and she loved spending time at the ocean in Rhode Island and swimming at her local club.

Most of all, Margie loved being part of the group and being a good friend. She enjoyed walks and outings to places like Pino’s Pizza with her housemates. Even when she wasn't feeling her best, she wanted to join her housemates for their daily neighborhood walks after a long day at Gateway.

Katie shared one final memory: Margie’s love for iced coffee. Whether it was Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, 7 Eleven, or Cafe Nero, Margie always found her coffee fix. Katie remembers her coming home with an almost empty cup, slurping the last drops through the straw with a satisfied smile.

Margie, we will miss you. We will miss you slurping iced coffee. We will miss your smile and honesty. Most of all, we will miss your friendship. Thank you, Margie, for everything you brought into our lives and for making our community brighter. We will never forget you.

- Your Specialized Housing Family